Christ carries our burdens and bears the weight of our sins
Sometimes we carry extra baggage on our journey…let’s hand our burdens to Christ.
Seasons of love
May the seasons of our lives ultimately reflect one thing: how much we love God and others.
The power of mantras
A good mantra can help us re-claim our peace amidst the stresses of daily life.
In the vortex of God’s love
Sedona may be known for its numerous vortexes, but our God is the true source of energy and healing!
I’ve got friends in high places…and so do you!
Everyone likes to have friends in high places…these are the ones that really count!
I lift my eyes (and my skis) to the mountains!
When you need strength to get through the day, look up!
Let’s all fatten up for the new year!
Fatten up for the new year? Yes, but in one specific place…
The afterglow of sanctity
At the sunset of our lives, will we, like the saints, leave behind a glorious afterglow of sanctity?
The 3 R’s of my spiritual journey
The three R’s provide the framework for my daily walk with Christ.
Cracking the code of joy
A group of Poor Clare nuns gave me a glimpse of what true joy looks like.
Francis ~ a saint and a prayer for our times
Visiting Assisi last November marked the beginning of a new friendship with St. Francis and his way of Pace y Bene.
My heavenly home
A white sprawling mansion on a hilltop near my home reminds me that “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.”
Which tree am I during this pandemic?
I was out walking recently and I spotted two very different trees right near each other, which got me thinking…
The ministry of the smile
It seems we’re all a bit smile-deprived these days. The ministry of the smile can help!
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Riding an e-bike is a lot like leaning on the power of the Holy Spirit!