Chopsticks or Chopin?

Friends, what song are you playing right now? I don’t mean on your Spotify playlist, I mean what song are you playing with your life? Does it sound more like Chopsticks or Chopin? God wants to write a beautiful symphony with each of our lives…one that glorifies him and delights the ears of all around us. But often times we settle for Chopsticks.

Now don’t get me wrong, Chopsticks is fine when you’re just starting out, but we’re meant for way more than Chopsticks, we’re meant for Chopin…and beyond! If you’re wondering what Chopin looks and sounds like in the spiritual life, it’s actually quite easy to spot: forgiveness, selflessness, meekness, patience, kindness, peace, giving people the grace God gives us, oh and did I mention forgiveness? In a word, it looks and sounds like unconditional love.

One of the amazing things about music is that there’s no limit to the amount of songs you can create from the same few musical notes. And the same is true for us…we’re all made of the same human “stuff,” but there’s no limit to what God can truly accomplish in and through us for his divine purposes.

Now, I’ve never played the piano, but I know a beautiful song when I hear one. And I’m far from perfect, but I know a beautiful life when I see one…which brings me to the saints. The saints are a prime example of the endless array of symphonies God can create with our lives. No two saints are alike, just like no two symphonies are alike. Each one is beautiful in its own unique way, and each points to a beauty beyond itself - ultimately to the One who is beauty itself.

Will we allow Christ to write a one-of-a-kind symphony in us, one that elevates and inspires the world around us? Or will we resist his promptings toward holiness and keep banging out Chopsticks? You know, those flat notes of resentment, selfishness, pride, envy, etc. The choice is ours dear friends. God gives us total freedom, but it’s freedom FOR something, and that something is spiritual excellence. St. John Paul II said, “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” Now that’s a saint teaching us how to become a saint! So the next time our spiritual lives are feeling out of tune and we’re tempted to settle for another round of Chopsticks, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to take our humble musical notes and play something truly beautiful for God.

As we close out this musical metaphor, I invite you to check out this child prodigy who appeared on 60 Minutes a few years ago. Scott Pelley selected four random notes out of a hat, and she composed a symphony right on the spot. It’s a beautiful sight to behold; in fact, it’s sublime. Her talent is truly a gift from God. Here’s the full segment on Alma Deutscher.


Summer’s a great time to work on our Jesus tan


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