Let’s jump in with both feet this Lent

It’s time to jump into the deep-end this Lent!

Call me crazy but I love Lent. There’s just something about diving into a defined period of spiritual discipline that appeals to me. I don’t know about you, but I say let’s jump in with both feet this Lent and see where the Lord wants to stretch us. That word “stretch” calls to mind a team meeting I had at work last week. For fun, we created a PowerPoint slide of things we remembered from our youth. I listed 8 track tapes, pet rocks, mood rings and other stuff. One of my teammates talked about a Stretch Armstrong toy he had as a kid. Stretch Armstrong was simple but amusing - you pulled on this guy made of rubber to see how far you could stretch him. Basically, that’s us this Lent! God wants to stretch us in some new ways, and make no mistake, some of it will be uncomfortable. But let’s be open to the stretch and see where the Lord is leading us. No pain, no gain people, so let’s do this!

Before the good work can begin, a few old habits need to give way. Here’s a few things I’m setting aside this Lent: less screen time, less news, no phone during prayer time (way too distracting). Along with a few additions - more quiet, more stillness, more nature and even more spiritual reading (I already do quite a bit but would like to “up the ante”).

There are so many amazing teachers in the Catholic world right now and we’re incredibly blessed by their wisdom and gifts. Here’s a few I’d like to recommend if you’re looking for a new voice / fresh perspective:

  • Fr. John Burns - He has a doctorate in the theology of healing through forgiveness and he’s very articulate and easy to digest. Info on him / short Lent video.

  • Fr. Timothy Gallagher - He’s a Jesuit priest steeped in the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola. He also has a wonderful communication style - soothing, real, not preachy. Info on him / video on meeting God in prayer.

  • Dr. Edward Sri - He’ the co-founder of FOCUS ministries and has a podcast called All Things Catholic. He also has a great conversational style and is engaging to listen to. Info on him / video on making space for God in Lent

Those are just a few of the many wonderful teachers who can help us on our Lenten journey. As we head into the desert, let’s keep in mind that we don’t go there alone - Christ and his Church are walking beside us. So let’s jump in with both feet and see where the Lord wants to stretch us! Have a blessed Lent everyone!


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